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The Bible is the inspired
and only infallible
and authoritative written word of God.
(Psalm 119; Matthew 4:4; Luke 24:27)
There is only one God;
eternally existent in three Persons:
God the Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
(John 1:1-4; 14:16, 1 John 5:7)
In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ,
in His Virgin birth,
in His sinless life, in His miracles,
in His substitutionary work on the cross,
in His resurrection from the dead,
and His exaltation to the right hand of God.
(John 1:1-4; Ephesians 2:13-18; Revelation 19)
All people have sinned
and fallen short of God's glory.
(Romans 3:23)
Man's only hope for redemption
is through the shed blood
of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
(Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:8, 9, 13-18)
Baptism with the Holy Spirt
according to Acts 6:4
is given to believers who ask for it.
(Acts 2:4; 10:44-46, 19:1-7)
In the sanctifying power
of the Holy Spirit which enables
the Christian to live a holy life.
(Romans 6:3-14; 8:1, 2, 11)
Deliverance from sickness
is provided for in the atonement
and is available to all believers.
(Exodus 25:25,26; James 5:14; 1 Peter 2:24)
In the Rapture of the Church
at Christ's coming.
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
To GROW in our personal relationship with God, strengthen our families, and exand the reach of our church by cultivating a culture of God-conciousness in our community.
To PURSUE God with an infectios passion in our worship, relentlessly seek the unbeliever, and possess a life of purpose.
To selflessly SERVE God by being mindful of the needs of others, liberally devoting our time an talents, and generously sharing our resources.
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